Learn My History Foundation Celebrates Youth Achievement
The Floridant/10261424

Sarasota Banquet Marks Three Years of Youth Empowerment in Creative and Culinary Arts

SARASOTA, Fla. - Floridant -- As the culminating event of Black History Month, the Learn My History Foundation (LMH) will host its third annual banquet to celebrate and further the accomplishments of multicultural youth in Sarasota and Manatee Counties. Keynote speaker for the event is Dr. Richard Harris, author, pastor and former grand dragon of the Indiana KKK.  The Banquet will take place Sunday, February 25, 2024 at Church of the Redeemer, 222 S. Palm Avenue, Sarasota, FL. The gala begins at 5:00 pm, featuring a menu of foods from the many homelands of the children who participate in the Foundation's programs. The highly anticipated performances with Ronnique and LMH youth, plus live and silent auctions, will complete the festive event.

Dr. Harris joined the KKK and served as grand dragon for four years. He left the organization in his twenties, and since that time, has written and spoken on mending the racial divisions in our nation.

LMH is a multicultural nonprofit that encourages youth empowerment and leadership development through art, mentoring and education. The program will celebrate the progress of the youth involved in Learning My History's creative leadership programs:

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'Create with Ro' -- Youth measure the experience of historically tied art or meal creations, how it encouraged their lives and future goals.

The LMH Children's Network -- Youth interview prospective mentors in hopes of a career match to align with, and we nourish those relationships for one year.

In the LMH Youth Zone, launching at the February 25 event, LMH nurtures the talent of youth in front of or behind the camera, to showcase at events and beyond.

Leadership and strategy skills are developed on LMH's Youth Advisory Board, where all young participants serve to share opinions on operations, production, marketing with our Board of Directors and sustaining the organization. They advise the board on how their different languages inspire cultural appreciation and perform and co-produce events with our production team.

"We're so pleased to celebrate another year of accomplishments at Learn My History Foundation," states LMH executive director Ronnique Hawkins, "Each year LMH has encouraged and elevated young people in our community. We're mentoring leaders who will continue to creative leadership roles in our community."   Ronnique is a producer of the Emmy nominated film on Emmett Till's life and death at the hands of racial terrorists.

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Learn My History Foundation is a 501(c)3 organization with a Community Foundation's Giving Partner profile. To support the organization's work, visit

Contribute to Learn My History Foundation (https://www.thegivingpartner.org/organizations/learn-my-history-foundation)

Tickets to the event are available at:

Third Annual Banquet Tickets (https://www.learnmyhistory.org/store/p18/Learn_My_History_Foundation%27s_3rd_Annual_Banquet_Fundraiser_%2A_%E2%80%8B_Pre-Order_Tickets%3A_%C2%A0February_1%2C_2024.html)

Media contact:

Rosa Grillo 202-415-7840


Rosa M Grillo

Source: Grillo Strategies LLC
Filed Under: Non-profit

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