Governor Ron DeSantis Receives Eighteen Bills from the Florida Legislature
The Floridant/10265736

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. ~ TALLAHASSEE, Fla. - Governor Ron DeSantis has recently received a number of bills from the Florida Legislature, which he must act on by April 11, 2024. These bills cover a wide range of topics and issues affecting the state.

One of the bills, CS/CS/HB 217, focuses on college campus facilities in areas of critical state concern. This bill aims to improve and regulate the construction and maintenance of these facilities.

Another bill, HB 523, introduces the Florida Seal of Fine Arts Program, which recognizes and promotes excellence in fine arts education in the state.

In an effort to protect students' health, CS/CS/HB 883 addresses the use of short-acting bronchodilators in public and private schools. This bill sets guidelines for their administration and storage.

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HB 7043 deals with OGSR/Agency Personnel Information, while HB 5203 focuses on property seized by the Florida Gaming Control Commission.

Other bills include CS/HB 241, which requires insurance coverage for skin cancer screenings; CS/HB 85, which pertains to public records for new state banks and trust companies; CS/HB 591, aimed at preventing hot car deaths; and CS/HB 201, which allows for emergency refills of insulin and related supplies or equipment.

Additionally, there are bills addressing special observances (CS/HB 357), motor vehicle parking on private property (CS/CS/HB 271), Revive Awareness Day (CS/CS/SB 66), return of weapons following an arrest (CS/SB1286), employment opportunities for individuals with disabilities (SB832), OGSR/Department of Lottery (CS/SB7008), food delivery platforms (CS/SB676), household moving services (SB304), and reading achievement initiatives for scholastic excellence programs (SB46).

Governor DeSantis now has the responsibility of reviewing and potentially signing these bills into law, which will have a significant impact on the state of Florida.

Filed Under: Government, State

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