Florida: Governor Ron DeSantis and Experts Discuss Grand Jury Report on COVID-19
The Floridant/10260615

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. ~ TALLAHASSEE, Fla. - In a roundtable meeting today, Governor Ron DeSantis and State Surgeon General Dr. Joseph A. Ladapo met with members of Florida's Public Health Integrity Committee (PHIC) to discuss the First Interim Report released by the Florida Statewide 22nd Grand Jury. The report focuses on the harmful impacts of mask mandates and lockdowns, which were pushed by the federal government.

During the meeting, Governor DeSantis stated that Florida had rejected the prevailing orthodoxy regarding non-pharmaceutical interventions and instead followed pre-COVID pandemic response guidance. He emphasized that Florida had preserved freedom and blocked mandates, and the grand jury's report confirmed that they had made the right decision.

The grand jury noted in their report that their investigation was hindered by the refusal of various federal agencies, including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), to participate. Despite this obstacle, the report's findings were clear:

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1. Lockdowns and mask mandates caused more harm than good: The jury identified anxiety, depression, suicidal behavior, and attention deficits as collateral damage from these "heavy-handed" policies.

2. Lockdowns resulted in higher excess mortality rates: The jury found that jurisdictions that implemented lockdowns tended to have higher overall excess mortality rates.

3. Lack of evidence to support mask mandates: The jury concluded that there is uncertainty about the effectiveness of face masks against the virus and no sound evidence of statistically significant benefits.

4. Inflated COVID-19 hospitalization data from CDC: The jury found that the CDC's number of total COVID-19 hospitalizations is likely inflated due to asymptomatic or minor SARS-CoV-2 infections being classified as COVID-19 hospitalizations for financial gain.

State Surgeon General Dr. Joseph A. Ladapo stated that Florida had prioritized leading by common sense and sound science from the beginning of the pandemic. He believes that going against federal mandates was the right choice for the health and freedom of all Floridians, and the grand jury's report further supports this decision.

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Dr. Martin Kulldorff, PhD, stated that during the pandemic, basic principles of public health were thrown away, and now it is evident that lockdowns were a huge mistake. Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, MD, PhD, also criticized federal agencies for ignoring basic science and silencing scientists who did not agree with them.

Dr. Bret Weinstein, PhD, praised Florida for acting as an international leader in handling the pandemic and stated that the entire planet is suffering from exhaustion due to COVID-19. Dr. Joseph Fraiman, MD, expressed hope that the grand jury's report would offer guidance on how to handle similar events in the future.

Dr. Steven Templeton, PhD, called for attention to be brought to the actions of federal agencies during the pandemic but expressed doubt that there would be any action taken in addressing these issues anytime soon.

In conclusion, Governor DeSantis and State Surgeon General Dr. Joseph A. Ladapo met with members of Florida's Public Health Integrity Committee to discuss the First Interim Report released by the Florida Statewide 22nd Grand Jury on the harmful impacts of mask mandates and lockdowns pushed by the federal government. The report's findings confirm Florida's decision to reject these measures and prioritize freedom while also highlighting flaws in federal agencies' handling of the pandemic.

Filed Under: Government, State

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