Doral Chamber of Commerce Proudly Welcomes Back Suviche Doral as a Platinum Member
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Suviche Doral was proudly welcomed back as a Platinum Member to The Doral Chamber of Commerce.

DORAL, Fla. - Floridant -- The Doral Chamber of Commerce in partnership with businesses such as Suviche Doral will continue to work together to build a healthy economy and continue to improve the quality of life in our beautiful City of Doral.

"On behalf of everyone at the Doral Chamber of Commerce, we extend our warmest welcome to Suviche Doral" says Manny Sarmiento, President & CEO of the Doral Chamber of Commerce.

About Suviche Doral:

SuViche stands not to represent Japanese or Peruvian cuisines independently nor is our purpose to merely "combine" these two cuisines. Rather, we strive to create a new type of cuisine, one that blends the ingredients, traditions, and originality of each cuisine. Our concept integrates these two cuisines in unison in order to create a symbiotic relationship based on the traditions and ingredients that make each cuisine so special.

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When two or more distinct cuisines collide and mesh, creating an explosion of unique flavors. So different and addictive, your brain sparks new connections between the senses. Experiencing flavors so vibrant that your mind fills with pure happiness! At SuViche, there is no denying this mind bomb effect – you'll get used to it.

A great dining experience does not start, nor does it end with serving high quality food. Food only happens to be the tangible product. What we strive to provide is the intangible- a genuinely good-willed encounter for our guests to enjoy.

About the Doral Chamber of Commerce:

The Doral Chamber of Commerce is a 501 (c)(6) non-profit, community professional service organization, founded in January 2008 by Manny Sarmiento and Carmen Lopez.  The Chamber's focus since its founding has always been to educate its members with seminars, workshops, networking and other educational events becoming "Your Marketing Right Hand".

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The Doral Chamber of Commerce was created to meet the needs of a thriving business community of small to medium sized companies in Doral and surrounding areas that needed assistance and support in growing their business.  After examining our member's needs and the current economic environment, we have found that the new "e-World", Internet communities, online social relationships and education via the web are the "new" and best ways to market your business.  We provide our members and the business community in general, with networking and educational opportunities in traditional learning and online environments that together enhance the operational, marketing, and business development skills needed for success in today's business world. For more information on the Doral Chamber of Commerce visit:

Media Contact
Doral Chamber of Commerce.
Manny Sarmiento - President/CEO.

Source: Doral Chamber of Commerce, Inc.
Filed Under: Food

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