Content Features Adds Political Cartoonist Todd Schowalter
The Floridant/10292089

PANAMA CITY BEACH, Fla. - Floridant -- Content Features is pleased to announce that it is adding political cartoonist Todd Schowalter to its weekly lineup. Schowalter, who recently served as Salem Media's daily political cartoonist, will provide three cartoons per week.

"I'm excited to keep the fun going," says Schowalter. "The Biden era provided a wealth of non-stop humor material, so I may have to work harder!"

Schowalter will be naming his political panels "Schowalter's World," which has sentimental meaning. "My editorial panel way back in college was titled "Schowalter's World," he says. "This is just another example of me refusing to grow up!"

More on The Floridant
Schowalter is one of several new creators Content Features plans to add in the coming months. Other additions will include two weekly humor columns and two new comic features. The relatively new company provides various digital media content to media publishers worldwide. Subscriptions are offered for each of the content packages.

For more information, contact Senior Editor Ed Chermoore

Ed Chermoore, Content Features

Source: Content Features
Filed Under: Media

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